Success in Safety! Privacy Rights in the Remote Workplace

The reality of today’s remote workforce is such that employees can kick back at a co-working space or their favorite cafe and casually work on their project while enjoying a cappuccino. It sure sounds refreshing and liberating compared to the grinding in a stuffy corporate office. However, this scenario is in nonconformity with various security […]
Clean Desk Policy. Why it matters for teleworking!

What is a “Clean Desk Policy”? With over 90% of workers stating the desire to work remotely, the trend seems to have staying power. Proponents of remote working cite benefits not only to employees but also to businesses and the environment. However, today’s big data culture is under constant threat of security risks and data […]
Utah’s Teleworking Program increases productivity by 23% and wins everywhere!

In Utah’s pilot teleworking initiative, the traditional office structure has been radically reimagined to not only save time and money but also reduce emissions and stress. Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox considers remote work as a living and breathing concept that adapts to changing technologies, team members and expectations. The decentralized work model has kick-started […]